Our HSA is made up of hard-working parents/guardians & faculty who pool their talents to provide practical support for CHS.
Interested in open board positions? Contact us!
Leslie Kerner & Kai DuBose
VP Volunteers & Events - Liz Gordon
VP Community Engagement - Fiorella Benson
Treasurer - Ambra Teague
Records Secretary - OPEN
Recording Secretary - Joy Friedman & Neil Fleming
Communications Director - Kelly Mortimer
Equity & Inclusion Committee Liaison - Yves Hart
Special Education Liaison - Marian Raab & Emily Regas
Freshman Parent Reps - Veronica Olazabal & Katie Rickard
Sophomore Parent Reps - Veda Truesdale & Fabiana Glasby
Junior Parent Reps - Sarah Iozzio & Cathy Clammer
Senior Parent Reps - Polly Kelekis & Jen Drechsler
Ex-Officio - Sarah Iozzio (non-voting)
Cougar Cares - Jane Perry & Mia White
CC Food - Stephanie Asch, Terri Cannon-Nelson & Danielle Mann
CC Prom Shop - Karen Howell & Ruth Mark
SOMA Shares - Thea Cogan-Drew & Melissa Litwin
Social Media/Website - Beth Ceglio
Communications Outreach & Promotions - OPEN
Programming - OPEN
No Frills Fundraising - Denise Krimershmoys & Tracey Prothro
Beautification - Kathleen Hong & Maggie Tuohy
Hospitality - Jen Spiegler & Leslie Enright
Faculty Brunch - Leslie Kerner, Vicki Rivkin, Jamie Ebright
Safety & Security - Rhea Beck
Midnight Madness Co-Chairs - Francesca Mingione & Krista Ruane
Assistant Treasurer for Midnight Madness - OPEN
Midnight Madness Merch - OPEN
Midnight Madness Fundraising/Sponsorship - OPEN
Midnight Madness Flocking - OPEN
Midnight Madness Senior Signs - Sharon McCaffrey & Sandra Kosik